Unraveling the Truth: Debunking 9 Nutrition Myths

Nutrition is a field that is filled with common misconceptions and myths. Let’s take a step towards a more informed future and debunk 9 myths that I’m sure we’ve all heard at some point in our lives. 

Myth: You can’t eat past 7pm

Fact: There are no specific rules or time restrictions on when you can eat. The digestive tract does not have a “shut off” time. It continues to function and process food regardless of the hour. Additionally, basing nourishment on time can lead to body disconnection and mistrust. It leads to shame and guilt when eating outside of set times. Our daily consumption is not the same daily. Our body’s energy needs vary. 

Myth: You have to save dessert for after dinner 

Fact: All foods, including dessert, can be enjoyed at any time. Restricting or saving dessert after dinner can create food rules and reinforce diet mentality. Allowing yourself to enjoy a variety of foods when you desire them is important. How can you challenge food rules? Where does this come from? It’s important to incorporate foods you enjoy for overall satisfaction and mental well being 

Myth: Fresh foods are better than processed/convenience foods

Fact: Processed and convenience foods can be part of an intuitive eating approach. Canned and frozen foods can be a helpful way to get more variety and they typically provide the same nutrition as fresh foods. They are just more convenient! Purchasing convenience foods can be more practical from a cost perspective as well. 

Check out our blog post on the Benefits of Canned and Frozen Foods

Myth: You have to be skinny to be healthy 

Fact: Health is not determined by weight or body size. Health is more complex and it is possible to be healthy at different sizes. Focusing on overall wellbeing is more sustainable than pursuing a specific body size or weight. 

Believe it or not, weight loss can lead to weight gain. When we attempt to battle our genetic blueprint, the body goes into survival mode.The body may respond by slowing down its metabolism, disrupting hunger and satiety hormones, and can lead to increased feelings of deprivation, anxiety, and stress, which can result in weight gain or weight cycling (repeated weight loss and weight gain). 

Myth: Carbs and Fat make you gain weight

Fact: Carbs are an important source of energy. In fact, it's the body’s preferred source of energy! 

Fats provide several benefits to the body including nutrient absorption, hormone production, satiety and appetite regulation. When we deprive ourselves of certain food groups, similarly to sugar restriction, it can create food rules and reinforce diet mentality. 

Myth: You need to cleanse your body

Fact: Our bodies have a detox system through our liver and digestive tract to eliminate toxins. Detoxing can deprive your body of essential nutrients and energy that it needs to function. 

Myth: You have to eat a vegetable with every meal

Fact: Not all meals will be “perfect.” Having a meal without a vegetable will not result in a nutrient deficiency. It is what you consistently eat over time that matters.

Myth: Focus on supplements or micronutrients before eating enough

Fact: While micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) play a crucial role in our overall health, macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide the energy and building blocks our bodies need. Neglecting macronutrients can lead to imbalances and deficiencies, regardless of micronutrient intake.Supplements can be beneficial in certain circumstances, they should not be prioritized over consuming enough food


How to Respond to Diet and Weight Loss Talk When Struggling with Your Relationship with Food 


Sitting in the Suck: Breaking the Bonds of Diet Mentality