Take back your health with non-diet nutrition therapy
We have in-person and virtual telehealth appointments available.
Trust Your Body
Listen & respond to your body’s needs while identifying cues like blood sugar, hormones, cravings, caffeine, nicotine and medications.
Guilt Free Eating
Develop eating habits without guilt while establishing flexibility and breaking free from restriction.
Body Image
Explore the challenges of body image in the recovery from addiction, disordered eating, diabetes, or psychotropic medications.
Body Movement
Learn how to integrate body movement in a way you actually enjoy.
How it Works
Request Referral From Your Doctor
*Call our front office to get started and we will help you request one.
As Registered Dietitian Nutritionists practicing in California, we are required to have a referral from your primary care provider in order to provide services. The benefit to you is it helps us provide the highest quality of care and better tailor nutritional counseling.
Your First Session
70 minutes, $185
At this session, we will listen to your needs and priorities to create a plan. The full nutrition assessment will include whatever you feel comfortable sharing; medical history, labs, medications, supplements, food preferences, eating habits, sleep patterns, movement/exercise, stress levels, body image concerns, relationship with food – just to name a few.
Follow-up Sessions
53 minutes, $150
This is where the progress, not perfection, takes place and therefore it’s impossible to fail. It’s your time to talk through, feel and unpack any challenges you are facing. As a team, we will be creating nutrition tools for your toolbox so you feel more confident navigating those challenges. These tools could be meal plans, new knowledge, mindful eating, coping skills, gentle structure, body movement, Intuitive Eating, etc.
Insurance & Rates
We are in-network with the following insurance companies. Please review our resource page to identify if your insurance plan will cover nutrition counseling and what to do if we are not in-network with your insurance.
Aetna PPO
Adventist Health Employee Health Plan
Blue Shield of California PPO
Cigna PPO
Commercial HMO via Meritage Medical Network
Humboldt IPA
Medicare, Part B (diabetes & kidney disease only)
Partnership HealthPlan of California, MediCal
Client Portal
We use SimplePractice, a HIPPA compliant client portal to make life easier! You can set appointments, complete client forms, upload documents, make payments, securely message your dietitian and manage insurance information.