What if I don't Love My Body Right Now?
The thought of loving our body can feel overwhelming. When I was first introduced to the concept in college, it felt rebellious and relieving at the same time. Over the years as a clinician working with clients with disordered eating or body image issues, I discovered this concept didn’t seem applicable to everyone at every stage of life. Working through body image issues is intense work, and often involves phases ranging from body grief to body love, while pausing and normalizing every step in between. The following body image phrases have been more or less identified by professionals as a fluid progression through the body image journey.
Maybe you’ve heard it before: your body is the least interesting thing about you! Yet, we spend so much time obsessing over it. When we think about all the influential people in this world, few to none of them are famous because of their bodies. Whether you are in recovery from an eating disorder, starting your healing journey with body image, or are born into this diet and weight-obsessed world, we will run the gamut of how we view ourselves. Take some time to understand where you are on your body image journey, and know that we all may swing back and forth between phases during our life. Be kind to yourself, normalizing the work it takes to view ourselves through a self-compassionate and self-respecting lens.